Going to Mass each week is a very important part of our Catholic faith. It is where we hear Jesus teach us about the Father’s saving love and are nourished by His Body and Blood. However, those words and messages might be difficult for your young children to understand. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word program gives children from kindergarten through fourth grade the opportunity to hear the readings in a form that is easier for them to understand, and to talk about the lessons that Jesus is teaching us.
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word program is held during the 10:00 am Mass on most Sundays from September/October through the first Sunday in May. After the Collect (opening prayer) and just before the readings begin, the children are invited to join the adult leaders and leave the church to go into the school for their program. They return to church before the Offertory. They receive a handout with suggestions on how families can live out Jesus’ teachings together.
Parents are welcome to accompany their child to check out our program. All adult volunteers have completed criminal/child abuse background checks and have gone through the Archdiocese’s Protecting God’s Children (abuse prevention program).
There are four groups of adult leaders that rotate each week. If you are interested in learning more about this program or in volunteering, please contact the Director of Religious Education.