Back to PREP Parent Meeting in the Church
All families welcome! Especially important for families new to the program to attend. Students will have regular class, while parents meet with the DRE and Pastor in the Church.
All families welcome! Especially important for families new to the program to attend. Students will have regular class, while parents meet with the DRE and Pastor in the Church.
Students should report at 6:00PM in the Church as usual. Mass will begin at 6:15PM. Families are welcome to attend.
Mandatory retreat for all First Communicants and their family. At least one parent should be in attendance
There is no PREP class on 10/16/19.
Children and families should arrive no later than 6:45PM.
Mandatory retreat for all Confirmandi. At least one parent or sponsor should be in attendance. Retreat will start in the Church Hall, then proceed to the Church.
Happy Thanksgiving!