It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and its schools and parishes that all priests, deacons, as well as teachers, parish and school staff, and volunteers who come into regular contact with children must have a child abuse clearance and state police background check. Regular contact with children is defined by the Archdiocese as contact which occurs during the course of work or ministry at least one time per week.
Nativity of Our Lord School complies with these directives and requires all parent volunteers in school to obtain Child Abuse History Clearance and State Police Background Check. Additionally, all parent volunteers are also required to attend one Safe Environment Workshop conducted by the Archdiocese throughout the year. Child Abuse and State Police clearances are valid for 5 years from date of issuance. Costs for these clearances are the responsibility of the
parent volunteer.
Parents who are new to Nativity of Our Lord School at the opening of each school year have 4 months or until December 31st of the year of entry to obtain these clearances for the first time. Parents of current students must have valid clearances on file in order to continue to volunteer in school for any event. Office staff will notify parents whose clearances have expired or who have not completely complied with this policy that they will no longer be permitted to enter school to volunteer until compliance is obtained.
The Home and School Association coordinates the volunteer program each year for our school activities. They will provide initial information on how to obtain clearances or update clearances. This information is also available from the school office.
For specific information on the location of the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Workshops offered throughout the year, please consult to obtain a list of workshop locations and how to register for a session.
We value the service and stewardship of our school volunteers and trust that all will comply with the volunteer policies as stated here to help us maintain a safe and caring environment for all of our students.
For more information or questions, please feel free to contact the school office.
- State Police Criminal Record Check online application
- Downloadable application for Child Abuse History Clearance
Parent Resources
Volunteer Forms/Requirements
PREP Registration
Church Bulletins
First Reconciliation & First Communion
Teen Ministry